beautiful photo, hand colored with background and foreground of 1920, I think.
It was made for the marriage of my grandfather Bruno Rachmann with our grandmother, Maria Zinke. The children are shown by the siblings of Bruno Rachman. Oe: (The 1st sister Stephanie had died earlier).
of links: 1 Walter and 2nd Herbert Rachman (mother Anne, born heir, father Rudolph Rachman)
third Franz Schinkel (killed), 4 Herbert Schinkel (no descendants? Da oldest Elfriede + Hansel died)
5th Albert Rachman, shot in 1945 at the drama at the market place in Haida
6th William Rachman (mother Emmy, born Plummert-> sister of the Salzburg Aunt Gretchen Sallah, I visited my childhood often).
7th Walter Dolezal / toddler), 7 Fritz Dolezal (mother, Emma, father Fritz Dolezal Architect)
are missing in the photo at that time Heinz Rachman, born 1920, also shot in 1946 on the Haida marketplace Lehmann and Max, born in 1916 by Herta, born Rachman)
mom says, much more accurate knew that Ingrid, the daughter of her deceased sister Maria Rachman, who was the chief researcher of the family ancestors.
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