wedding 1934: Maria Rachman Emil Klee - A completely labeled photo - "Beziehungssstudie-Who is who?"
Aunt Christa has made our mother a great image of our deceased Aunt Maria are available. It is from 1934. She has labeled all persons present, complete with name
and relationships.
First row from left to right below
first Greti, daughter of Stefan and Gretl Rachman, a cousin and friend of Aunt Rena;
second Berhard Luttna celebrated the wedding ceremony. He was a nephew of Rachman grandmother Caroline, born Luttna.
third Anna Zinke, born Henke, was the Grandmother of our mother and aunts, our great grandmother.
4th Christa Rachman, the youngest sister of my mother.
5th Wilhelmine Klee, mother of the groom
6 +7.) The couple Maria and Emil Rachman Kleemann
8th Emil Kleemann sen., The father of the groom.
9th Maria Rachman our grandmother and mother of the bride.
10th Herta Lehmann, the sister of Bruno Rachman udn wife of Max Lehmann
(see 16)
11th Rena Rachman, 2.jüngste the sister of the bride.
Second row:
12th Karl Hosch, husband of 13, manufacturer
13th Anne Hosch, born Oppitz, later Geppert, friend and neighbor of the bride
14th Gertrud Hanisch, born Zinke, sister of the bride's mother (our Grandmother)
15th Ilse Parthe geb.Blumtritt, niece of 24)
16th Max Lehmann, husband of 10), glass merchant
17th Gretl Rachman, wife of Stefan Rachman 25th) 18th
Traudl Zinke, cousin of the bride, the daughter of 19 and 24)
19th Leo Zinke, brother of Maria Rachman, the bride's mother and husband of 24)
Third udn other series:
20th Mrs. Gunther, wife of 22)
21st Gerda Rachman, the younger sister of the bride mother udn meien
22nd Judge Guenther, following the death of his father Bruno Rachman Rachman official guardian of the daughters from 17/02/1938
23rd Ernst Hanisch, the son of 14) udn nephew of 9)
24th Rosl Zinke, wife of 19
25th Stefan Rachman, husband of 17 , Cousin of the late father of the bride Bruno Rachman
25th Franz Parthe, husband of 15, Savings Bank Director
27th Franz Schinkel, son of Aunt Friedl 28th)
28th Friedl Schinkel, sister of Bruno Rachman, the bride's father
29th event. Her front Mayer of the registry office
30th Hotelier room Hackel