Thursday, July 24, 2008

Old Ap Biology Questions On Genetics

Another brand advertising by brothers Rachman

advertising brand 20s Leipziger Messe

has sent me a philatelist from England ...

Rabbit Died After Neuter

Haida war and massacres also Rachman, literature + Note Tichý Wikipedia

were also killed at the massacre of at least 2 family members Rachman ....

Below you will find a Wikipedia - Excerpt practice RDAs massacre and a good literary reference to the Czech journalist Jan Tichý Wolfgang Rachman and related links. As a third extension of the indication of a somewhat dubious page on which they were the names of Rachman available.

1) Wikipedia excerpt:
massacre on 2 June 1945 probably in Haida

as subsequent retaliation for the seven executed leaders of the uprising have Rumburger soldiers of the Czech Revolutionary Guard on 2 June 1945 eight German men and women tortured and shot in front of the Haida from City Hall, another German was the following day also brought out at random from a shipment across the border and killed. To deter the executed twenty-four hours left in place and then buried in a mass grave. This approach was based on the command of Lieutenant Colonel of the Revolutionary Guard and by the then National Committee, was asked during the execution under the supervision of a military guard post and held at City Hall, sharp kritisiert.Der incident was concealed in the public long. Working through the Nový Borer journalist and writer Jan Tichý in the "Novoborsky měsíčník" (Haida monthly) it was made public after the Velvet Revolution . As part of the celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of the war, representatives of the city for the first time also thought of the nine victims and deposited at the cross of reconciliation in the forest cemetery with a bouquet. At the request of the bereaved, the representation of the town of Novy Bor on 25 January 2006 for the erection of a memorial in the German and Czech language on the forest cemetery in Nový Bor voted, which is is within sight of the monument to the victims of 1918.

more see: Wikipedia Novy Bor C3% BD_Bor

2) Recommended reading by Wolfgang Rachman:
Jan Tichý: Zweinunddreißig hours between dog and wolf
Excerpt from the Prague newspaper:

Czech journalist Jan Tichý, who lives in Nový Bor u České Lípy (Haida) and is interested in the history of the Second World War, an event describes the time of the so-called wild expulsion. Barely a month after the war, on 2 June 1945 Czech Revolutionary Guards were also in the North Bohemia Nový Bor, then Haida. They shot at the market square of eight German men and women, "deterrence," they left the bodies of innocent people 24 hours before the town hall are located. The next day they killed another German from a transport that was chased across the German-Czech border. The book "for hours thirty-two between dog and wolf" tells a true story, which had been concealed for decades. Tichý collected on the events of June 1945
more at

third ) Reference to the somewhat dubious side, but the names of the killed be mentioned:

On 2 June 1945 on the square of Haida basis of a command of the second lieutenant Josef Sekac, 47 Infantry regiment of the Czechoslovak army, residents of the city after bestial Follow expansions shot at random. The publisher Albert from Haida was shot on the run. The chief doctor of the local hospital, Dr. Alfred carrier, was killed with a shovel. In the command of second lieutenant Sekac of 2 June 45 reads: "With a sudden control of house, garden and their associated areas were seized: 1 firearms in E. Podbiera, E. Horton, J. Langer, F. Richter, I. Werner, A. Rachman, H Dichtol. Rachman, M. Werner. the accused in the marketplace shot and as a deterrent 24 hours a square are allowed. "There is overwhelming evidence that it is the murders to a campaign of revenge against the German Bevökerung acted. Like other cases of this kind were, the discovery of firearms was a sham to Strafaktinen vornhehmen against German can.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Generator Rain Covers

advertising brand of the brothers discovered Rachman-Wunderschönt!

have the following beautiful brand advertising at E- Bay was found in February 2008.

exaggerated, but it did not get back from a nice Londen Advertising brand shop.

We make a nice gift for the Gerda Lischke Senior (born Rachman) for 85ten birthday in July.

It is very informative. The branch office in Berlin was in the Knight Street 98 - The claimed.

Let's see what the mother says to the figures and symbols.

Old reklame embossed mark (brand advertising, vignette) 1900-1920.
It promotes the glass and metal goods factory of the brothers Rachman in Haida, Bohemia, refers in particular to the novelty reisezerstäuber udn the Berlin branch of the ride first class (today district of Kreuzberg)

size 4.0 cm x 5.5 cm, with rubber coating,

Santa Claus Acrostic Poems

New German biographical information to extract Rachman glass manufacturers

rest of hinge excerpt from New German Biography, Volume 21 (2003), p. 78
published by the Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, appears by Duncker & Humblot
Rachman, glass manufacturers. (Catholic)

1876, Wilhelm (1846-1916) with his brother Henry in Langenau (Bohemia), the company "brothers Rachman for Glasraffinierung and trading, in 1884 after Haida, the center of the Bohemian. Glass trade was routed. In the same year The brothers established a sales office in Berlin and operated in the (later moved to Haida) fabrication of metal products, which were used to assemble the glass articles, particularly for craft products of Art Nouveau. This specialty was the first company in the ger-Austrian. Room and had introduced technical and stylistic model for other glass companies, including the most successful companies in this field "grew more in Klostermühle (Bohemian Forest). The production program included perfume and toilet sets in polished, engraved, painted with red, yellow and Schwarzätze refined form, came to Articles made of crystal and colored glass, which were partly in the many home workshops of the Haida-Stein Schönau glass area refined. The company had sales offices in Vienna for sales in Austria and the Balkans, Berlin and Leipzig for Central and Western Europe in Paris. After the founders took the sons William (1882-1943) and Bruno (1885-1938) and the company expanded its production through the purchase of houses and Raffinierungsbetrieben. 1932, a division of: Wilhelm kept the metal works, which developed into a major industrial company and have been since 1945 of the "corporation formerly Škodawerke in Pilsen" is accepted while Bruno the glass production program continues to lead and set up in 1936 a separate metal processing plant mounted glassware. After his death led to a widow in 1945, the heirs and their four daughters operation. The products, which until the beginning of the 2nd World War II, the high quality of thought, were on glass specialist and world exhibitions awarded many times (London, 1891, Chicago, 1893, Antwerp, 1894, Atlanta 1895, Nashville 1897, Paris 1900, Glasgow 1901, Bologna, 1902, 1904, Portland, 1905, Brussels 1910 Vienna in 1897 and 1910, Dresden 1911). After the 2nd World War II was expropriated without compensation the company, sold the owner family.

Sources: L J. Sieber, Gesch. d. City Haida, 1913, especially p. 157; Höltl G. (ed.), The böhm. . Glass 1700-1950, VI, nd, p. 78, 90 f.; ÖBL; Biogr Lex Bohemia. Kurt Pittrof

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Notorious Jewel Shelly

wedding 1934: Maria Rachman Emil Klee - A completely labeled photo - "Beziehungssstudie-Who is who?"

Aunt Christa has made our mother a great image of our deceased Aunt Maria are available. It is from 1934. She has labeled all persons present, complete with name
and relationships.

First row from left to right below

first Greti, daughter of Stefan and Gretl Rachman, a cousin and friend of Aunt Rena;
second Berhard Luttna celebrated the wedding ceremony. He was a nephew of Rachman grandmother Caroline, born Luttna.
third Anna Zinke, born Henke, was the Grandmother of our mother and aunts, our great grandmother.
4th Christa Rachman, the youngest sister of my mother.
5th Wilhelmine Klee, mother of the groom
6 +7.) The couple Maria and Emil Rachman Kleemann
8th Emil Kleemann sen., The father of the groom.
9th Maria Rachman our grandmother and mother of the bride.
10th Herta Lehmann, the sister of Bruno Rachman udn wife of Max Lehmann
(see 16)
11th Rena Rachman, 2.jüngste the sister of the bride.

Second row:
12th Karl Hosch, husband of 13, manufacturer
13th Anne Hosch, born Oppitz, later Geppert, friend and neighbor of the bride
14th Gertrud Hanisch, born Zinke, sister of the bride's mother (our Grandmother)
15th Ilse Parthe geb.Blumtritt, niece of 24)
16th Max Lehmann, husband of 10), glass merchant
17th Gretl Rachman, wife of Stefan Rachman 25th) 18th
Traudl Zinke, cousin of the bride, the daughter of 19 and 24)
19th Leo Zinke, brother of Maria Rachman, the bride's mother and husband of 24)

Third udn other series:
20th Mrs. Gunther, wife of 22)
21st Gerda Rachman, the younger sister of the bride mother udn meien
22nd Judge Guenther, following the death of his father Bruno Rachman Rachman official guardian of the daughters from 17/02/1938
23rd Ernst Hanisch, the son of 14) udn nephew of 9)
24th Rosl Zinke, wife of 19
25th Stefan Rachman, husband of 17 , Cousin of the late father of the bride Bruno Rachman
25th Franz Parthe, husband of 15, Savings Bank Director
27th Franz Schinkel, son of Aunt Friedl 28th)
28th Friedl Schinkel, sister of Bruno Rachman, the bride's father
29th event. Her front Mayer of the registry office
30th Hotelier room Hackel