Sunday, March 23, 2008

Generator Rain Covers

advertising brand of the brothers discovered Rachman-Wunderschönt!

have the following beautiful brand advertising at E- Bay was found in February 2008.

exaggerated, but it did not get back from a nice Londen Advertising brand shop.

We make a nice gift for the Gerda Lischke Senior (born Rachman) for 85ten birthday in July.

It is very informative. The branch office in Berlin was in the Knight Street 98 - The claimed.

Let's see what the mother says to the figures and symbols.

Old reklame embossed mark (brand advertising, vignette) 1900-1920.
It promotes the glass and metal goods factory of the brothers Rachman in Haida, Bohemia, refers in particular to the novelty reisezerstäuber udn the Berlin branch of the ride first class (today district of Kreuzberg)

size 4.0 cm x 5.5 cm, with rubber coating,


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