Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hp Pn 5069-6732 Drivers

Baltic 19.00-21.00 19.00-21.00 Nov 23 clock hours

And on Tuesday it is then called again
ESTONIA , LATVIA and LITHUANIA for the ears!
with music from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and studio guests
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 19.00-21.00 clock
as always, on 92.5 FM and on the cable network on 101.85 (Bremen).
complete overview of all types and frequencies:

For all others: the web LIVE http://www.infobalt the streaming radio

zines or on our website
. de / html / home_radio.html

our Hörangebot time
conversation with SE
Reet willow tree
cultural attaché the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in Germany
The culture people are often one step further than any other ...
about the plans for the program of the European cultural capital, Tallinn, 2011, the preparations and the involvement of citizens. About the Children and Youth Song Festival in Estonia in 2011 and the opportunities for participants and guests, on projects of classical music, among others, Neeme Jarvi and Anu Tali, about movies from Estonia, the "Black Nights Festival", Estonian films in Germany, and Estonia Animated films. On historical material as background artistic Works, theater productions, Estonian, and Estonian sense of humor and self irony. to make
About the Capital of Culture concept as a model of environmentally-friendly major event, a "green" Estonia, the campaign "Let's do it", of simple means to produce high quality art. On Estonian folk music and the cooperation with the Flensburger folkBALTICA Festival, the Arts & Crafts Exhibition at the Charlottenburg Palace, and the long night of museums in Berlin on Jan 29, 2011th
About the translation of Estonian literature into German, concept of "Tallinn on water" and Projects at sea, and of modernity and tradition. Deals in the Internet , cooperation with hotels and other facilities, and the volunteer program of the cultural capital of Tallinn. About Estonian families invite the film stars home, the Tallinn Graphic Triennial, Kumu Art Museum, and international film companies producing in Estonia. Tips for Visitors to the Capital of Culture program.
Jürgen Motog: castles, churches, gods groves
in the footsteps of medieval pilgrims in Latvia.
Wagner-Verlag, 2010, series "report". 113 pages, 9,90 €. ISBN: 978-3-86683-675-4 .
This travel journal leads to the Baltic states in the footsteps of medieval pilgrims. The first is to present Latvia's vibrant capital Riga, the Old Town, the Cathedral, the lively music and culture in the original nature of the country. The reader encounters the basis of flashbacks important and distinctive personalities for their time, such as the Count, city founders and later Livonian Bishop Bernhard II of Lippe. He learns something new and interesting facts about the living conditions and driving forces of the old Livlandfahrer, as well as about the religious beliefs, living conditions and customs of the aborigines Liv. Thus enabling the book to the Baltic interested exciting discoveries, and is also an unusual guide to the often amazing presence a bygone era that has been the fate of Latvia and the Baltic States as a whole is essential.
John Reimer: departure in Tallinn

judge Vanya adventurous life between Russian and Gemeindetraditon state persecution. well Publisher, Basel - Casting, 2008, 192 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7655-4021-9. € 9.95 / £ 16.95 / € 10.30 (A).
Vanya judge whose Reimer has a history in "The objectors' portrayed impressively told here what happened before his time in the Red Army: how spiritual life in Tallinn train breaks down and face the difficulties of Christians here - on the part of Communist persecution, but also from the own ranks.
David Rupp: The Russian Federation and the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia

A case study on law policy Moscow over the Russo-speaking minorities in the "Near Abroad" 1991-2002 . Ibidem Verlag, Stuttgart 2007th 152 pages. ISBN 978-3-89821-778-1 , 24.90 €. a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union about 25 million were Russian-speaking people in the former Soviet republics to minorities. The largest Russian-speaking communities were in 1991 in Estonia, Kazakhstan and Latvia. The Russian Federation (RF) claimed in 1991 a lawyer for these people, who were often deprived of the possibility of their citizenship to obtain home country and participate in political life.
The present study investigated in Latvia, the credibility of this law claim. Against the background of Russian foreign policy 1991-2002, the Latvian citizenship policy and law to Russian policy are described.

the Baltischen hours

THE SHIN + Valts Puce (Georgien / Lettland)
Owls Ethnographic Orchestral ( Valts Puce, Zane Smite, Kristina Osier, Norman Sne, Ilze Grunte, Ainārs Majors, Mikus Čavarts, Raimonds Ozols)
- KGB song -
- Kaladoo
- EO -
- I well -
from the CD " ES ARI "
THE SHIN + Valts Pūce in Latvia World music festival PORTA
Homepage THE SHIN f
------------------------- ------
"Folk-rock Punklore" from Estonia
aus der CD "Lätsi tarrö back":
- Heiko-Leiko -
- Karmoškale -
- without rolling Istsõ pääle -
- Pieces of fish -
- Jõõkõnõ järvekene -
- Sarvõpuhuja -
- Koh kävede my pujakõnõ -

next broadcast:
Tuesday 18 January 2011 - 19.00 - 21.00 clock
------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
on the radio in the Bremen area on FM 92.5
---------------- ----------------------------
The end of the Estonian crown - the Euro is coming and the Vatican --- --- Estonia --- this winter photos and more, now on
Latvian Estonian - preventive and real problems --- pressure from the Baltic states - which revealed Wikileaks --- --- Silver plated Consul this and more, now on
Structures --- The Lithuanian blonde standard --- --- News from Karolis d ies and more, now goes to

Current's not - you blog with !
available and is updated regularly.
---------------------------------------------- ----------------
preview TV shows with Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian subjects.
our service for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fans ...
information work needs supporters !
INFOBALT Become a member!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INFOBALT Association eV -
post since 1991, active on Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
[at] -

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Aunt Made Me Smell Her Feet

Baltic clock

And on Tuesday it is then called again
ESTONIA , LATVIA and LITHUANIA for the ears!
with music from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and studio guests
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 - 19.00-21.00 clock
as always, on 92.5 FM and on the cable network on 101.85 (Bremen).
complete overview of all types and frequencies:

For all others: the internet live stream radio

zines or on our website home_radio.html

our Hörangebot time
conversation with SE
Mindaugas Butkus
Ambassador the Republic of Lithuania in Germany
knock as loud as possible to the doors ...
About the Lithuanian Foreign Service in independent Lithuania, on the work as a secretary for European integration 1995-99 and Bonn. On trans-Atlantic issues and the issues of accession to NATO, and the work as Consul General in New York. to wake
The difficulty interest in the cause of Lithuania, the United States as a partner of Lithuania and Lithuanian communities in the U.S. .
About German diplomacy towards Lithuania since the 90s, the emergence of the "3 +1" meeting, the thesis of Germany as "counsel for the Baltic states and Lithuania as its" near abroad. " About the close German-Lithuanian relations, and the changes since 2004. About recognitions and commitments of Lithuania in the international context and the priorities of Lithuanian foreign policy, the participation of Lithuania in international peacekeeping missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan, and the opinion of Lithuanian society to the role of Lithuania within the framework of the EU eastern partnership.
on international affairs of Lithuania, the Lithuanian public opinion and the difficult economic situation. On the situation in Lithuania after the economic crisis, the hope on renewed economic growth and better tax revenue over fiscal policy and savings are up to the embassy staff.
over dependence on trade and export, the hope for improvement in the Lithuanian labor market, jobs in Germany and prospects in Lithuania, and unemployment as result of the crisis and the opening of the German labor market from May 2011. About the value of foreign experience and language skills through competition and cooperation with Poland. The attempts to achieve better energy security of Lithuania, plans for a new nuclear power plant, a new electricity cable to Sweden, the power bridge to Poland and cooperation with Germany and Russia.
About the Lithuanian communities in Germany, an active generation of young Lithuanians and Lithuanians Lithuanian Sunday School on Saturday, opportunities for activities in Germany, Lithuania, on cooperation and integration.
about the upcoming basketball championship in 2011 in Lithuania and to the preparations.


Juozas Galginaitis, Antje heaven , Ruta Vrubliauskaité (Eds.): introduction to the Lithuanian law. BWV Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag 2010, 318 pages, ISBN 978-3-8305-1776-4. € 39.00.
Publisher Info: on
Since Lithuania's accession to the European Union are 01/05/2004 already passed more than five years. In the "old Europe" have many long accustomed to the new conditions, so that through the difficult transformation processes that Lithuania had to have come from the perspective of the Western neighbors already in the background. A deeper examination of the Lithuanian legal system, however, shows that it is characterized by very different traditions and simultaneously part of many modern development currents. For example, deserves, given the discussion of the further harmonization of European civil law, the recodification of the Lithuanian civil law after the turn of the century interest. For all that remains of the difficulties of a deep social and economic transformation more noticeable.
The initiative for the present work was part of the program "Law in the Baltic Sea Region", which the Law Faculty of the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service conducted in 2002/2003. Under this program, several guest lecturers were invited to lecture in Kiel, so also the co-editor of this volume, Prof. Dr. Juozas Galginaitis. From these humble beginnings, the project of this volume, who worked on the next Lithuanian several German authors.
The Band provides a comprehensive insight into the Lithuanian law. It contains, preceded by an overview of the basics of the Lithuanian law, information on key areas of private law, public law and criminal law of Lithuania. Focus on the business law and the international implications of the legal system of Lithuania. The band wants to open a German-speaking readers access to the law of Lithuania. It is aimed at anyone interested in the development of law in Lithuania or are involved in practice with the law of Lithuania.

Young people at risk
aspects of social work in Latvia and Germany . Aida Kruze, Dieter Schulz, Chr v. Wolffersdorff (ed.). Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2010 . Series of the Center for Teacher Training and Education Research at the University of Leipzig, Band 6 308 pages, ISBN 978-3-86583-245-0, € 28.00
Publisher Info.
In all European countries are questions about training, education and socio-educational care for young people hotly debated. A shocking series of child abuse in Germany has increased to reflect on new forms of public Control and state intervention in the family education out. The continuing problems of the German education system, which has been repeatedly attested by international comparison failure in promoting socially vulnerable students illustrate the urgent need for action. There are also other educational problems such as addiction, crime and xenophobia among young people against the background of increasing poverty and exclusion experiences that are particularly noticeable in the big cities. Under the pressure of public austerity measures repeated the question arises of who should benefit from the assistance. There are 'limits of education? In all these considerations appear to a long thought to be overcome notions of custody and discipline. But what teaching method is right?
The papers collected in this volume share intensively with the aforementioned difficulties and their importance for school, youth welfare and justice apart and show positive developments on the basis of social work services in Latvia and Germany.
Part 2: Latvia - Estonia - St. Petersburg .
Publisher IS-Cycle 2010, 106 pages, ISBN : 978-3-981-0029-2-8. . € 17.90
Publisher Info:
R1 The eastern part of Europe's cycling track - it leads to 2300 km from Berlin to the Russian St. Petersburg - in recent years, especially for something more adventurous.
Advanced transportation and access to rail and ferry, moderate tariffs and continuous availability of accommodations arouse more interest Radfernwanderer for this section of the European cycle route R1.
The newly published second Part of the bike tour guide gives the section of Klaipeda, through Latvia and Estonia to the Russian Saint Petersburg, comprehensive information on routing, the tourist attractions and accommodation in hotels, guest houses and in tents. Maps and detailed cross-town trips are included as well as country-specific information such as the currency and the mutual agreement and catering facilities. could
In cooperation with the St. Petersburg Bicycle Club VeloPiter first time, a passage for the mobile to be previously reported as a problem existing, 174-kilometer route from the Russian border to the center of St. Petersburg.
The ring-bound tour book is packaged in a handy protective case. On an accompanying CD-ROM, the GPS tracks for the original route and additional tours and waypoints (POI) of accommodation, tourist information, attractions and transport links are stored. These files can be used for travel planning on digital satellite images and transferred to the Radfernwanderern with increasingly popular outdoor GPS devices and used for navigation werden.
Musik- SCHWER -A
der Baltischen hours

John Stībelis (Lettland)
- The world is beautiful -
- Positive
- I only laugh -
- Vecātēva radio -
- Ak vai man 'used' -

from the CD "Dia pozitīvi "
SVJATA Vatra (England)
Ruslan Trochynskyi, Kulno Malva, John Suits, Kalle Kindel, Dmitri Dmitrenk o
- Dairy Women's Polka -
- before I was nuori miesi -
- Kalyna -
aus der CD "Zillja Zelenen'ke"

Svjata Vatra auf MySpace
to YouTube
SVJATA VATRA at Facebook

next broadcast:
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 19.00 - 21.00 clock
---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Baltic hour: Tips for Bremen
1.Mittwoch every month!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - 18.00-20.00 clock
Hofbräuhaus Bremen, Ostertorstraße 11-13 (Old Courthouse)
(possible questions by phone 0421-600398)
----------------- --------------------------
on the radio in the Bremen area on FM 92.5
& RECEIVE ANYWHERE on the internet
€ The countdown --- --- Pia Fraus Dallas in the Soviet Republic of Estonia in 18 minutes --- a company set up ---- this and more, now on
Political Roulette post-election image problems --- --- --- Problematic compensation for inmates this and more, now on
The blonde standard --- not choose wrong and forbidden to park --- this and more, now goes to

Current's not - you blog with!
available and is updated regularly.
---------------------------------------------- ----------------
preview TV shows with Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian subjects.
our service for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fans ...
information work needs supporters !
INFOBALT Become a member!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INFOBALT Association eV -
1991 active on Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
post [at] -

Monday, October 25, 2010

Short Texting Signatures

26th October 2010 Baltic hours - 19.00 - 21.00 clock hours

And on Tuesday it is then called again
with music from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and studio guests
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 19.00-21.00 clock

as always, on 92.5 FM and on the cable network on 101.85 (Bremen).
complete overview of all types and frequencies:

For all others: the web LIVE the streaming radio

zines or on our website

our Hörangebot time
conversation with
Mikus cava rts
musicians in the group Auļi
Latvian force of nature with magical energy
about the history the group Auļi, music tradition with bagpipes and drums in Latvia, for music education and musical people, for release of bagpipe-text books, the music publishing "Lauska" and the emergence of a non-profit association. To success in Latvia and international music festivals in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Germany. To musical traditions, instruments used in Latvia historically proven to modern compositions by the group Auli. To world music in relation to Latvian music, developments and influences from different concerts and from different countries, the intensification of the music.
to concert experiences in China, about traveling with a very large drums
, the interest in China for music from Europe, the concert organization in China, and the interest of young Chinese for jazz, rock and classical music.
to concerts on German Folk Festival in Rudolstadt and "Folk Baltica" in Schleswig-Holstein, the German Audience, and their knowledge about Latvia, relating to the taking in concerts in Germany. Other than that feeling, "Latvian culture" represented abroad, in Germany interested in culture than in the Baltic States. The daily life of concert tours in Germany, the publishing activity in Latvia and cooperation with German distributors.

For background and details of cooperation with the Latvian writer Laima Muktupāvela and by it for the CD "Etnotranss" written texts. About religion in Latvia, Buddhism and Christianity and their reflection in the music of Auli. To options for the joint presentation of Latvian literature and music.
to natural elements in the music of Auļi, the symbolism of the oak trees in Latvian folklore, the Latvian "World Tree", old Latvian places of worship, the use of wood for musical instruments and the meaning of the word "Auļi ".
over the development of the music of " make Auļi, "working with active gang members, and an effort at concerts the music even better experience for listeners and viewers.


Jörn Barfod :
Nida - artists colony on the Curonian Spit.
publishing studio in a farmhouse, Otterberg;
Edition Fischerhude art books. ISBN 978-3-88132-254-6. 156 pages, 14,00 €.
Publisher Info:
Due to its exposed location between the Baltic Sea and Lagoon, with high dunes were very Fruh especially teachers and school of art school Koenigsberg lured to Nida. One of the most prominent was Lovis Corinth. Bridge-painters such as Karl Schmidt-Rottluff and Max Pechstein searched and found the hotel Blode hospitable shelter. Likewise Nida with the appearance of Thomas Mann is connected Nobelpreisträgers, who built his summer home on the Steilküste with the famous "Italian look" that was painted over again. The book by Jorn Barfod of East Prussian State Museum Luneburg lists in his dictionary of more than one hundred Künstlernamen.

Sofi Oksanen: Purgatory
novel. 400 pages, Kiepenheuer & Witsch 2010 . From the Finnish by Angela Ploeger. Title of the original edition: Puhdistus. ISBN: 978-3-462-04234-4. € 19.95 Betrayal and fear - especially the violence of men .
As Aliide Tru, an old woman who lives alone in a farmhouse on the Estonian country a bundle in her garden there, which turns out to be a young woman, she swallows down their skepticism and contempt for human beings and takes Zara in her house on. Zara is on the run from their pimps, they with brutal force compliance forced to have her and are already hot on his heels. But Zara looks not so random shelter with Aliide how this feels: Aliide could be the sister of her grandmother.
While Zara still evidence of the relationship and looking for a way to leave Estonia to Aliide feels threatened by the young woman: Too often they had to body and soul, possessions protect against intruders. In flashbacks creates the ever-tougher image of a family tragedy that almost fifty years earlier, when Estonia was occupied by the Russians, reached its climax. Rivalry and jealousy, shame, vulnerability, and above all Fear of the brutality of men to women - these are the motives that Aliide forced to unimaginable decisions. Sofi Oksanen was achieved with this novel, which appears in more than 25 countries and just celebrated in the U.S., is a grand success. Breathless with excitement reading about the fate of two women of very different and yet similar experiences in the core make: there is no matter what political system, is always the victims are women.
the author:
Sofi Oksanen
, born 1977, daughter of a Estonian Finnish mother and a father, studied drama at the Theatre Academy in Helsinki. Her third novel, "Purgatory," was number one for months by the Finnish-seller list, sold in Finland as well as "Harry Potter" and has won numerous awards, including the Finlandia Prize and the Literature Prize of the Nordic Council. Sofi Oksanen lives in Helsinki.


the Baltic hours AU Ļ I
(Lettland) Barbala Kevin, Leanne Barbie, Gatis Valters, Maris Jekabsons, Edgar Osier, Norman Vaivads, Gatis Indrēvics, Mikus Čavarts, Edgars Krumins, Kevin Indrēvics

- Dinka - - the sons of God - - Fighter - - Krustukrusti -
- living water -
- an ancient land -
- Brammanis -
- Austra coke -
from the CD "Etnotranss"
(distribution in Germany: Westpark Music )
Center for Arts Management "Lauska" "Auli" on Youtube

REI Feed (Lettland)

- Meine Liebe - - Football - - Estonian tango - - I am your cousin rural -
- pine forest grows ... -

aus der CD "VALPURĢU NIGHT - The Greatest Hits "

" REIGANI "on Youtube ----------
next broadcast:
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 - 19.00 - 21.00 clock ---- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Baltic hour: Tips for Bremen

1.Mittwoch every month!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 - 18.00-20.00 clock
Hofbräuhaus Bremen, Ostertorstraße 11-13 (Old Courthouse) (possible questions by phone 0421-600398) ----------------- --------------------------
on the radio in the Bremen area on FM 92.5
& RECEIVE ANYWHERE on the internet
at ( audio stream ) or Take a look at our website
-------------------------------------- ------
discrimination against Russians in Estonia - old chestnuts --- New to the demise of the "Estonia" --- "Ouch!" ARD-day issues confuse Latvia and Estonia --- This and more, now on
young radicals in the Latvian National Government? --- --- Rigatag in Bremen Problematic compensation for prisoners ---
this and more, now on
prohibited wrong and choose not to park --- fire on the "Lisco Gloria" --- Brilliant autumn --- this and more, now goes to
Current's not - you blog with !

our detailed event summary is online in the Internet available and is updated regularly.

---------------------------------------------- ----------------
preview TV shows with Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian subjects.
our service for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fans ...
INFOBALT Become a member!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INFOBALT Association eV -
post since 1991, active on Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
[at] -