Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hp Pn 5069-6732 Drivers

Baltic 19.00-21.00 19.00-21.00 Nov 23 clock hours

And on Tuesday it is then called again
ESTONIA , LATVIA and LITHUANIA for the ears!
with music from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and studio guests
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 19.00-21.00 clock
as always, on 92.5 FM and on the cable network on 101.85 (Bremen).
complete overview of all types and frequencies:

For all others: the web LIVE http://www.infobalt the streaming radio

zines or on our website
. de / html / home_radio.html

our Hörangebot time
conversation with SE
Reet willow tree
cultural attaché the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in Germany
The culture people are often one step further than any other ...
about the plans for the program of the European cultural capital, Tallinn, 2011, the preparations and the involvement of citizens. About the Children and Youth Song Festival in Estonia in 2011 and the opportunities for participants and guests, on projects of classical music, among others, Neeme Jarvi and Anu Tali, about movies from Estonia, the "Black Nights Festival", Estonian films in Germany, and Estonia Animated films. On historical material as background artistic Works, theater productions, Estonian, and Estonian sense of humor and self irony. to make
About the Capital of Culture concept as a model of environmentally-friendly major event, a "green" Estonia, the campaign "Let's do it", of simple means to produce high quality art. On Estonian folk music and the cooperation with the Flensburger folkBALTICA Festival, the Arts & Crafts Exhibition at the Charlottenburg Palace, and the long night of museums in Berlin on Jan 29, 2011th
About the translation of Estonian literature into German, concept of "Tallinn on water" and Projects at sea, and of modernity and tradition. Deals in the Internet , cooperation with hotels and other facilities, and the volunteer program of the cultural capital of Tallinn. About Estonian families invite the film stars home, the Tallinn Graphic Triennial, Kumu Art Museum, and international film companies producing in Estonia. Tips for Visitors to the Capital of Culture program.
Jürgen Motog: castles, churches, gods groves
in the footsteps of medieval pilgrims in Latvia.
Wagner-Verlag, 2010, series "report". 113 pages, 9,90 €. ISBN: 978-3-86683-675-4 .
This travel journal leads to the Baltic states in the footsteps of medieval pilgrims. The first is to present Latvia's vibrant capital Riga, the Old Town, the Cathedral, the lively music and culture in the original nature of the country. The reader encounters the basis of flashbacks important and distinctive personalities for their time, such as the Count, city founders and later Livonian Bishop Bernhard II of Lippe. He learns something new and interesting facts about the living conditions and driving forces of the old Livlandfahrer, as well as about the religious beliefs, living conditions and customs of the aborigines Liv. Thus enabling the book to the Baltic interested exciting discoveries, and is also an unusual guide to the often amazing presence a bygone era that has been the fate of Latvia and the Baltic States as a whole is essential.
John Reimer: departure in Tallinn

judge Vanya adventurous life between Russian and Gemeindetraditon state persecution. well Publisher, Basel - Casting, 2008, 192 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7655-4021-9. € 9.95 / £ 16.95 / € 10.30 (A).
Vanya judge whose Reimer has a history in "The objectors' portrayed impressively told here what happened before his time in the Red Army: how spiritual life in Tallinn train breaks down and face the difficulties of Christians here - on the part of Communist persecution, but also from the own ranks.
David Rupp: The Russian Federation and the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia

A case study on law policy Moscow over the Russo-speaking minorities in the "Near Abroad" 1991-2002 . Ibidem Verlag, Stuttgart 2007th 152 pages. ISBN 978-3-89821-778-1 , 24.90 €. a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union about 25 million were Russian-speaking people in the former Soviet republics to minorities. The largest Russian-speaking communities were in 1991 in Estonia, Kazakhstan and Latvia. The Russian Federation (RF) claimed in 1991 a lawyer for these people, who were often deprived of the possibility of their citizenship to obtain home country and participate in political life.
The present study investigated in Latvia, the credibility of this law claim. Against the background of Russian foreign policy 1991-2002, the Latvian citizenship policy and law to Russian policy are described.

the Baltischen hours

THE SHIN + Valts Puce (Georgien / Lettland)
Owls Ethnographic Orchestral ( Valts Puce, Zane Smite, Kristina Osier, Norman Sne, Ilze Grunte, Ainārs Majors, Mikus Čavarts, Raimonds Ozols)
- KGB song -
- Kaladoo
- EO -
- I well -
from the CD " ES ARI "
THE SHIN + Valts Pūce in Latvia World music festival PORTA
Homepage THE SHIN f
------------------------- ------
"Folk-rock Punklore" from Estonia
aus der CD "Lätsi tarrö back":
- Heiko-Leiko -
- Karmoškale -
- without rolling Istsõ pääle -
- Pieces of fish -
- Jõõkõnõ järvekene -
- Sarvõpuhuja -
- Koh kävede my pujakõnõ -

next broadcast:
Tuesday 18 January 2011 - 19.00 - 21.00 clock
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on the radio in the Bremen area on FM 92.5
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The end of the Estonian crown - the Euro is coming and the Vatican --- --- Estonia --- this winter photos and more, now on
Latvian Estonian - preventive and real problems --- pressure from the Baltic states - which revealed Wikileaks --- --- Silver plated Consul this and more, now on
Structures --- The Lithuanian blonde standard --- --- News from Karolis d ies and more, now goes to

Current's not - you blog with !
available and is updated regularly.
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preview TV shows with Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian subjects.
our service for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fans ...
information work needs supporters !
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post since 1991, active on Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
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