Friday, January 15, 2010

Older Men With Erectionsphptos

Baltic Jan 19, 2010 - newsletter INFOBALT

This Newsletter is obtainable by subscription by email to post [
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n again ESTONIA, LATVIA & LITHUANIA for the ears

BALTIC HOUR ! with music from Estonia, Latvia and L it aue
and studio guests
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
19.0 0 - 21.0 0 Clock
as ever on FM 92, 5 & the cable network on 101.85
(room Bremen).
complete overview of all places un d F req ue

complement For all others:
LIVE on the internet as a stream-R ad io

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our Hörangebot diesm a l :
reading for snowed leisure hours

Three book recommendations

The discussion about the book:

Laima Urdze Albert Caspari and discuss the issues and contributions of the book "traces of fire - Latvian dance rituals and symbols." What make of Latvian traditions, culture, language and folklore? What is "Latvian", is the uniform in all of Latvia, or are there regional differences? What have Latvian dances and traditions of Latvian folk beliefs really really do with "Sacred Dance"? What symbolism, which are made of traditional beliefs derived ideas are important for your understanding and Latvian mentality today? What contributions of the book are the most interesting, what statements are more questionable? see in what context conventional ideas Latvian women and Latvians their "favorite pastime" (singing and / or dancing) today? A conversation about tradition and culture, old customs and new customs, and keep forgetting
traces of fire - Latvian dance rituals and symbols

Maria-Gabriele Wosien appeared in Metanoia-Verlag , CH-Bergdietikon 2009, 243 pages, 34,00 Euro (50 CHF). ISBN 978-3-907038-40-6. With the enclosed audio CD.
Publisher Info
In the traditional ritual traditions of Latvia, the time span of the underground people in all its sections as the "short" life celebrated. As part of a larger cycle of life is finally received on Earth with death in the fullness of life in the "long" life.
The human life cycle, the seasonal changes in nature, is the image of the creative path. He is joined by legendary songs (the Dainas), the holy characters (the Zimes) and dance. In this project - book, film, DVD and music CD - combine the themes of life through song, instrumental music and simple, danced space forms with the moods of an entire day - from morning to midnight to a new morning.
With expert contributions of various Latvian authors in Latvian and German.

A DVD is the film "traces of fire" separately or in set with this book available. ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------
you explore Tallinn!

Kadri Tähepõld & Doris Kareva:
Explore Tallinn
town in stories and legends. Translation: Kadri Tähepõld, Karin Lafferentz. Publisher Ecce Revalia, Tallinn 2009th 180 EEK (approx. 11 Euro)
ISBN 978-9985-9947-2-6.

We offer: - on your own visit to the city
- an alternative to traditional guided tour
- a brief overview of the Tallinn's history
- a map with marked interest
- over 80 stories of the former way of life, the laws and the general order of life, and of notable figures and events, as well as on, in an undertone popularly told, and scary Horror stories
- expressive illustrations
- useful web addresses
- Read tips for those who are interested to learn more about Tallinn and Estonia
The contents of the book includes 40 different projects and stories.
monument to the monument

Bernhard Böttcher:
favor for the nation and homeland.

war monuments German minorities in East Central Europe during the interwar period

Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar Vienna 2009. 440 pages, (with 106 b / w ills.) Gb., € 52.90 (A = € 54.40). ISBN 978-3-412-20313-9 . Publisher Info: war memorials and the related commemoration of the dead are a political issue. In the newly created states of East Central Europe, they were after World War II expression and means of self-discovery process and the self-assertion of nations. The present study provides the basis of the war memorials of German minorities in Estonia, Latvia, Romania and the former Czechoslovakia and the reorientation of their respective driving forces and obstacles to their integration into the new state. About the Author Publisher: Dr. Bernard Cooper is a secondary school teacher Theodorianum in Paderborn.



Baltic in this time of the day:

Biruta Ozoliņa "PATINA" published by Lauska
in Riga. About the CD: The first CD of the single ethno-jazz group in Latvia. Biruta Ozoliņa is an experienced singer, folk, traditional songs from Latgale, eastern Latvia, and has collected them with professional jazz musicians now presents on their own, unique way.

next Broadcast Date:
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 - 19.00 - 21.00 clock
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Baltic hour: Tips for Bremen
1.Mittwoch every month!
Wednesday, 3rd February 2010
- 18.00 clock in the local ERDINGER,
Catherine's monastery 7 (Old Town), Bremen (Pay attention to the table with the "Baltic" flags)



on the radio in the Bremen area on FM 92.5 & RECEIVE ANYWHERE on the internet
ballast for the new (optional) Year --- Christmas --- news "Citadiena" is but the journal --- this and more, now on

nuclear power is switched off - light In Lithuania --- Lithuania 2009, culturally: a retrospective view of cultural capital year --- this and more, now on

not go - you blogging!


our detailed event overview
online on the Internet
available and is updated regularly.
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currently available here!
preview TV shows with Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian
topics. our service for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fans ...
information work need supporters!
INFOBALT Become a member!
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INFOBALT Association eV -
active since 1991 on Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania

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