Sunday, April 11, 2010

Event Title For Birthday

BALTIC HOUR Apr 13 2010 Mar 16, 2010 TIME

And on Tuesday it is then called again :


for the ears!
The BALTIC HOUR with music from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and studio guests Tuesday Apr 13, 2010 - 19.00 - 21.00 clock
repeated on Sunday, April 25, 2010 - 20.00 - 22.00 clock!
as always, on 92.5 FM and on the cable network on 101.85 (Bremen). complete overview of all places
un d F req ue
Coins For all others:
LIVE on the internet as a stream-R

Gytis Padegimas

drama teacher, eyewitness
talking to
Dr. Christina Nikolayev
"I do not sit in an ivory tower, but work to the people!"
About the year 1988 in Lithuania, is former artistic plans and first international contacts, exciting times and fears abroad about banned plays and bold experiments to study in Moscow, and theatrical practice in Lithuania. About Strindberg, Chekhov, Wilde and Pinter, of "our little town" and a cult show, over alleged technical difficulties and complicated permits.
About Stasi-like state, the commitment to free and independent works, on old and new cliques. About unequal treatment, then and today's discussions with theater directors, unclear decision-making and uncertainties in the theater performance.

About unprocessed past, about dealing with colleagues, a children's opera, theater practice in Kaunas, Siauliai, Vilnius and Klaipeda, on talents and political influence. stay
over old officials with new tasks, free thinkers and ethical principles, adapting to the conditions and the experiments independently. spend at least some work abroad (Austria, Norway, Japan), over different generations and their needs himself, the theater youth and their job opportunities, through reforms, and lack of money, about similarities and differences between the situation in Bremen and Lithuania, on dumped millions and quickly forget .
about current Lithuanian authors and authors and their topics, opportunities for German-Lithuanian co-production, from personal contacts and ideas for new plays, over secluded and newly discovered parts of the history of Lithuania, on working with students and playwriting. about the "green movement" in Lithuania 20 years ago and now, about a movement against environmental degradation and nuclear power, the ongoing debate among intellectuals and the change in the discussion material in the Soviet system and now, about the revitalization of environmentally destructive projects in the Soviet period of former leading figures and ideals, has a sober view of neo-liberalism. About upright honest people and the reality of life in Lithuania, on recurring problems and new policy initiatives on deforestation and lack of sustainable economic strategy. About the lack of responsibility and pressures to emigrate, on the impact of globalization and the European Union, about bureaucrats and the desire for charismatic leadership figures and balance and harmony between people.



VILNIUS Herausgegeben von Cornelius Hell. Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt, 2009th 316 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-85129-826-0, 12.95 Euro.

mit Beiträgen von HC Artmann, Johannes Bobrowski, Joseph Brodsky, GK Chesterton, Theodore Däubler, Verena Dohrn, Alfred Doble, Ilya Ehrenburg, Georg Forster, Joseph Frank, Jonathan Franzen, Gerhard Fritsch, Romain Gary, Richard Gavelis, Grossfürst Technical University, Ber Halpern, Jürgen Ivan (placebo), Marius Ivaškevičius, Grigory Kanowitsch Abraham Karpinowicz, Tadeusz Konwicki, Miroslav Krleža, Herman Kruk, Moishe saddles, Jurgis Kunčinas, Algmantas Mackus, Birute Mar, Jonas Mekas, Adam Mickiewicz, Czeslaw Milosz, Alfonsas Nyka-Niliūnas, Jose Orabuena, Violeta Palcinskaitė, Walter Pilar, Helmuth Schonauer, Karl Schlögl, Renata Šerelytė, Joshua Sobol, Abraham Sutzkever, Judita Vaiciūnaitė, Tomas Venclova, Arnold Zweig ua --------------------------- ------------------------------------
diesmal in der Stunde Baltischen:
music from Latvia and Lithuania
Fēlikss Ķiģelis
rock guitar sounds from Latvia

- Saulgriežu Rits -
- Pavasara iestāšanās -
- Kurzeme -
- Aprila pilieni -
- Durvis - from the CD

Rudens vēju Muzikant

Homepage Fēlikss Ķiģelis
Fēlikss Ķiģelis
at MySpace

Fēlikss Ķiģelis
to YouTube
Fēlikss Ķiģelis at PLATFORMA.LV ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- g & g

fresh Hip-Hop Lithuania - 110 Priezhaschiu -
- Ka Tu Darai?

- Rytojui Reikia Nedaug ... -

- 4 B-Boys -

from the CD "
ALCHEMIJA " G & G Sindikatas at MySpace
information about G & G Sindikatas at
Music Export Lithuania G & G Sindikatas at YouTube

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THE BALTIC HOUR next Broadcast Date:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - 19.00 - 21.00 clock
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Baltic hour: Tips for Bremen INFOBALT-Infotreff 1.Mittwoch every month!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
- 18.00-20.00 clock
Hofbräuhaus Bremen, Ostertorstraße 11-13 (Old Courthouse)
(possible questions by phone 0421-600398)
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on the radio in the Bremen area on FM 92.5 & EVERYWHERE RECEIVED in the Internet
as (Audio Stream)
or see a look on our website
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Nordic ennobled with Estonian Topics: Sofi Oksanen --- freedom of speech in the media --- --- Estonia and Greece surprisingly positive political polls --- that and more, now smears

Daimler Latvia --- again --- government reshuffles "Milda" as National Freedom fighter --- Health Tourism --- --- Latvian Absurdistan this and more, now eat breakfast on Lithuanian

- Eastern Europe in the genes - - children, cake and beer - what blogs report Lithuania --- this and more, now goes to

Current's not - you blogging!
our detailed event overview
is online in the Internet
available and is updated regularly.
------------------------------------------------ --------------
currently available here!
preview TV shows with Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian subjects.
our service for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fans ...
information work needs supporters!
INFOBALT Become a member!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INFOBALT Association eV -
active since 1991 on Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
post [at] -


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