Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gay Cruising Spots In Louisiana

INFOBALT newsletter

This newsletter is by subscription obtainable by email to> post [at]
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And on Tuesday it is then called again


EN for the ears!
BALTIC HOUR with music from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and studio guests
Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 19.05 - 21.00 clock

For all others:
LIVE on the internet as a stream-wheel io

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Hörangebot our time:

report of Protestant Kirch Entag i n

presentation of the book
Marijas WORD (Latvian theologian speak out)

Marija - Latvian theologians Report to WORD
Edited by the Association of the Women Working in the GAW and the Convention of the Protestant. Theologians in Germany. Gustav-Adolf-Werk, 2008, 272 pages, ISBN: 978-3-87593-103-7, 12,90 €. Anda Godlinska in an interview with the co-editor of the
Vera guest Kelly about the circumstances of the publication of the book in German Language, the objectives of the book and the ideas of Latvia's editors, the prohibition of the ordination of women in Latvia, a comparison with the situation in Lithuania and Estonia, and the events to the Church in Bremen. discussion on the topic of the book with Laima URŽD (ordin FOURTH deacon of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany), Anda Godlinski

, Albert Caspari. On the situation of Latvian ordained women ministers in Germany and Latvia, on the fundamentals and practice of ordination, and tasks and training of ordained ministers. On the details of the suspension the ordination of women in Latvia, Bishop elections and respect for Archbishop and the Church in society, cooperation between the church s in Latvia and abroad, and return to discussions of the Latvian women and Latvian women from exile to Latvia. Through various groups in the Latvian church and the situation in other European countries. Ub
it the inner voice that appeals and various tasks within the Protestant church.
Zilgme Eglītes about the publication of the book and the presentation to de m Church, on reactions to the book in Latvia, on other pastors in Latvia, on targets young theology students, the support for P astorinnen Latvian in public. About the reaction of conservative Latvian theologian n, and the situations in the Church in Bremen.

- excerpt from a sermon by Zilgme Eglītes -

Riga dimd - -
of the youth choir Sola the Latvian Academy of Culture (Latvijas KULTURAS akademija) from Riga
in the context of the Church Council in Bremen as a guest
was from CD
"Pura dziesmas"

short interview with Aina Krūkle,
representative of the Church in Riga Bremen

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other guests in the studio:
Wouter Groet (Salo Baltic International)
Guntra Cirule (music Saulkrasti)
TRIO sforzando
(Signe Berzina, Paula and Birzniece Aris Kless)
talking about a music school in Saulkrasti, a music competition in Berlin, and the foundation of TRIO sforzando. About City Saulkrasti relationship of musicians in Latvia, the priorities and the training structure of the music Saulkrasti about concerts in Bremen, Bremerhaven and Osterholz-Scharmbeck. About Participation of young musicians in international competitions, on future plans as young musicians, and impressions from Berlin. About EU Leonardo projects funded projects of technical experience between Latvia and Germany. These tips from the three young guests what German should look absolutely in Latvia!
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concert NOTE DATE!
TRIO sforzando (Latvia)

Saturday June 6, 2009 - 17:00 clock St. Paul's Church Bremen, size. Krankenstr. 11

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KT diesmal in der Baltischen Hour: Thunder
aus der CD 'track team 2 - 1985-87 " - song about perspective - Pedestrian naktsdziesmiņa (in all the pubs closed) - What time is it - Site romance
- Still Life with acacia
- Who owns these eyes

where program information for broadcast on June 9, 2009

next Broadcast Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - 19:05 to 21:00 clock
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Baltic hour: Tips for Bremen

1.Mittwoch every month!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - from 18.00 clock in the local ERDINGER,
Catherine's monastery 7 (Old Town), Bremen (Pay attention to the table with the "Baltic" flags)
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on the radio in the Bremen area on FM 92.5
& RECEIVE ANYWHERE on the internet
under (Audio Stream)
or see a look on our website
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Estonia has voted - more voter participation via internet - - Video: funny Estonian view of Europe --- 4 --- World War 1 years of photographic archives of this and more, now on campaign in Riga : benefits of soft washed Communists or for hard-core Christians? ---- Latvian Advanced --- Congratulations --- Forbid, but what? --- This and more, now goes to

--- The Commissioner for European elections: what are you doing this Sunday? --- Little electoral joy in advance --- nothing new in the East? ---- This and more, now goes to

Current's not - you blogging!


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NEW ON www.vilnius-BREMEN.DE
: Documentation (photos)

of the Lithuanian culture days 5 to 9 March 2009


our detailed event overview
online on the Internet

available and is updated regularly.
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currently available here!
preview TV shows with Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian topics. our service for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fans ...

information work needs supporters!
INFOBALT Become a member!
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INFOBALT Association eV -
active since 1991 on Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
> www . post [at]
NGO Initiative Baltic Sea>
donation account: Sparkasse Bremen, BLZ 290 501 01, Account No. 108 694 69
www .

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INFOBALT Newsletter 06 06 2009


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