Sunday, July 19, 2009

4 Hp Johnson For Sale

"The Eagle has landed" Apollo 11 launch

On 20 July 1969 landed the first man on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set Clock to 20:17:58 UTC (universal time) onto the lunar module "Eagle" in the sea of silence.

The landing was not without problems. The computer memory came with the wealth of data not zurande why Armstrong drove the last part of the approach to land by hand. The was not enough as the fuel stocks ran out, they flew over a crater field that is not invited to land. Virtually at the last second was a suitable landing site found.

the last minutes of breath-taking approach and original communication:

time for the 40-year anniversary, there are first photos of the abandoned on the moon platform from Eagle to the west of Little West Crater, which had to be flown over before putting more (Eagle flew east-west direction). Click to enlarge (note the long shadows due to the low sun):

The photos are from the so-called LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, in German: lunar reconnaissance satellite) included the currently orbiting the moon. The Sites for this project or to images of the project can be found here: / lroimages / apollosites.html

given as a comparison of registered hand-landing on a photograph of the Lunar Orbiter (1966-68), LM stands for Landing Module (landing module):

Here are the Link to an uncompressed version of the LO recording from the 60s. The landing site is on the left marked with a white arrow:

is interesting in the photograph above also means that details (small craters, for example) can not be identified. Only after 40 years, satellites can confirm that the recordings of the landing approach and the recordings have definitely come from the lunar surface by the moon since 1969 would not it before the flight in this accuracy were known.

It indeed is a popular Internet game has become (and profiteering) to doubt the landings on the moon, but who compares the current photo of the landing site with the landscape of the approach videos, come to the conclusion that this act by the same landscape must .

Finally, a panoramic photo taken from the south side of Armstrong of the "Little West Crater" shot in the direction of Eagle with Aldrin. The distance between Armstrong and the lunar lander is about 60 meters:

In this photo the way you can see very well the perspective effect of the converging shadows caused by the use of wide angle lenses.


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