Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wholesale Chocolate Potato Chips

Was filmed the moon landing in the studio?

a popular pastime on the Internet - but also big business - it is now good for a decade, to doubt the moon landing. There are adventurous "Moon Hoax" sites (Hoax = fake, "duck") and counter-statements. Most of theses counterfeiting can be traced back to poorly-understood physics, or to ignorance or optical perspective principles of photography.

a very good start with lots of links offers the German-language Wikipedia .

But I would like to go one step further and the latest recordings Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter of the Apollo 11 landing site analysis. As a basis I hergenommen the large, uncompressed TIFF photo of the LROC page (LROC Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera =) because this format offers the ability to zoom into the pixel area.

The photo is available on the LROC page and is called "First Look: Eagle at Tranquility Base" (Take care to 100MB).

regard to the orientation of photos:
- LROC recording (2009): North is up
- Still image from the video of the approach: the North is to the right
- LO-recording (60s) to the north is Top

image comparison 1:

the detail of the landing site have zoomed, I nursed a little, and I compare it with a statue of the landing video of my last blog entry. As a comparison, I suppose

two points:

A ... smaller impact on the northern edge of the "Little West Crater"
B ... Craters are northwest of Little West

The letters are below the specified object, the approach from Eagle is in east-west direction.

Here the statue of the approach:

Here, the enlargement of the LROC image of this year:

As you can see: A and B are identical, and between A and B can see a chain of three small impact craters.

The conclusion is clear: Both images show an identical landscape.

An objection would still be possible: In 1969, the landscapes that were known and were replicated in the film studios to the smallest craters. Speaking against clear that in 1969 before the moon flight, the best resolution of the landing site looked like this (the landing site is at the top of the large white arrow) were

The three small impact craters known.

Conclusion: the approach and landing video shows the same landscape, which of the lunar satellite the year 2009 shows a detail, which in 1969 was not known. Therefore, to have been landing and approach shot on the moon.

that therefore the shadow that is visible on the modern photo of the landing site, the abandoned base of the lunar landing vehicle, and not by a stone comes from is only a logical conclusion of this analysis.

image comparison 2:

But the linked in my previous post photo of Armstrong confirmed on the crater rim that had Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon.

On the southwestern edge of the crater "Little West" (from Apollo 11 and "East Crater" known as the land east of the ferry) can clearly two small crater impacts recognize that I have with "x":

These two small craters are also seen on photo of Armstrong (with "x"):

In the satellite image of the Lunar Orbiter in 1969 not to recognize these two small craters.

have also demonstrated this picture comparison, that it is the same landscape is, ergo Armstrong and Aldrin were on the moon and then moves outside of the spacecraft.

The idea that stage in a giant vacuum studio happens to be the crater arrangement Thus to dig as it is available at the landing on the moon, without possessing local knowledge, I would describe as absurd.


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